
Showing posts from February, 2024

The worst is yet to come

  According to radio and television , and according to individual conversation–and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people–and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment– and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied–and to find a way to be able to eat–and to keep the hungry eating from his own labor–pacification is offered but it does not satisfy. With nations rejecting peace offers and nations laughing and making mock of you for ever seeking peace and friendship– as it is written, “Peace is desired more than fine gold!” Now to see all of these things coming to pass–things that we did not know that we would see. We did not know that we would see such a Goliath–such a giant– falling. Goliath! Who has defied the nations of the earth to come out and fight with them, as Goliath did before Israel. Now, nations make mock of the grea


  Holy Qur’an Chapter 9:73 O Prophet, strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them. And their abode is hell and evil is the destination. The Messenger is taught by the Holy Qur’an to be hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites. There is no such thing as helping a hypocrite to believe that which he has said that he believed. In the  HYPOCRITES  time he said that he believed and then he goes back and says that he disbelieves. Allah   (God)   Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, has no need of us. He said to me out of His Own mouth that no one wanted us, but Him Himself. He taught us, who are the rejected people of all civilizations. He accepted us, to build a Nation out of us, for Himself. Advertisement › The heavens and the earth were created out of nothing. To show Allah’s (God’s) unlimited source of wisdom. He can take a people, as the Bible and the Holy Qur’an refers to us as, “no people”, “a foolish people” and make us th